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Trustees Quarterly Statement
4th Quarter 2020
- Updated 02/05/2021
WOW! What a year and what a recovery. The pandemic caused a loss of 18% in the first quarter of 2020.
The Trustees maintained the investment strategies as to make up all the losses.
The increment of 10.46% in the 4th quarter brought the years total to plus 12.09% for the year.
We are proud of these returns and we thank all participants for allowing us to continue working for your future.
Union Trustees
Mr. Brent Taylor
Mr. Jim Gookins
Mr. Bob Belans
Mr. Rolando Pina - Alternate
Employer Trustees
Mr. Greg Heying
Mr. Mike Cutler
Mr. Curtis Goodwin
Mr. Robert Bullock - Alternate
*All correspondence to the Trustees may be addressed to them at the Fund Office:
1910 82nd Ave, Unit 103
Vero Beach, FL 32966